Proposal 1/3 | For restyling and standardising the bicycle symbol indicating cycling tracks
One of the current bicycle symbols
New (proposed) bicycle symbol
Another current bicycle symbol
Proposed bicycle symbol put up to the tarmac in a 3 to 5mm thick thermoplast layer
Cyclists now can avoid the nasty thick thermoplast layer by using the thermoplast free lanes within the symbol
Proposal 2/3 | For restyling the bicycle symbol on road signs
Current road sign bicycle symbol
Proposed road sign bicycle symbol
Current road sign bicycle symbol
Proposed road sign bicycle symbol
Proposal 3/3 | For standardising the bicycle symbol on public pavement and traffic lights
Current public pavement bicycle symbol #1
Current public pavement bicycle symbol #2
Current public pavement bicycle symbol #3
Proposed public pavement bicycle symbol
Proposed public pavement bicycle symbol - perspective view
Current traffic light bicycle symbol - off
Current traffic light bicycle symbol - on
Proposed traffic light bicycle symbol - off
Proposed traffic light bicycle symbol - on